
EU vote: Businesses call for preservation of GMO labelling

- 272 food businesses are calling on MEPs of the conservative EPP group in the European Parliament to vote in favour of preserving labelling and freedom of choice for GM foods on 7 February 2024. The business initiative, which was only launched in January, is growing rapidly.

The businesses have addressed their concerns in a joint open letter to Manfred Weber, the leader of the conservative European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament (EP) and deputy leader of the (German) CSU. The CDU/CSU MEPs and their EPP group play a key role in the vote. They want to deregulate new genetic engineering products even more than the EU Commission. This is particularly contradictory in the case of the CSU, which presents itself in (in its home region) Bavaria as the guardian of freedom from genetic engineering.

In the upcoming vote, MEPs can reject the planned deregulation of genetic engineering altogether - or at least approve existing amendments for labelling up to the end product, as well as coexistence rules for organic and "Ohne Gentechnik" (Non-GMO) and risk assessments. The overall vote is not yet a final decision, but will determine the EP's position for the upcoming negotiations with the EU Commission and Member States.

Globus: Thomas Hewer, Spokesman of the Management: "'Living responsibility for people, nature and businesses'! For this reason, we believe that every customer has the right to clear information about the products they buy. They also have the right to receive safe food. A risk assessment and clear labelling on the product allow the customer freedom of choice. GLOBUS wants to maintain this freedom. For this reason, genetically modified products must remain visible!"

SPAR Österreich: Markus Kaser, CEO: "The citizens of Austria are critical of genetic engineering, as our market research clearly shows. We at SPAR are oriented towards this customer demand. We are not against technical progress per se, but in favour of customers' freedom of choice. Without mandatory labelling of all GMOs in food, there is no transparency and therefore no freedom of choice on SPAR shelves. No elected representative can credibly argue against this basic principle of the EU. It is therefore our responsibility to ensure complete transparency and seamless labelling of all GMOs."

Schwarzwaldmilch: Andreas Schneider, Managing Director: "Our pasture milk has been certified 'Ohne Gentechnik' since 2009, and this has applied to our entire range since 2017. We are committed to sustainability and naturalness for people and nature. The use of genetic engineering should be transparent for everyone - whether farmer or consumer. The strict EU genetic engineering regulations have ensured this. The threat of deregulation would mean that risk assessment and labelling requirements would no longer be guaranteed. Our policy remains: 100 percent GMO-free - and that should remain visible."

tegut …: Thomas Gutberlet, Managing Director: "It goes without saying that freedom from genetic engineering must apply to all types of genetic engineering, including new methods. After all, people have a right to know what they buy and what they eat. This transparency is a valuable asset. Freedom from genetic engineering protects us and our future generations from irreversible consequences, and we should not jeopardise this for the sake of a few new technologies."   

Loacker (Italy): Hans-Peter Dejakum, Board Member Global Marketing: „For Loacker, ’Without Genetic Engineering‘ is a vital part of our brand positioning and therefore deregulation would be a serious threat to our business. We can only emphasise once again the global relevance of this essential differentiating feature for consumers and appeal to all those responsible and decision-makers not to support this proposed legislation and to make a contribution to the continued existence of naturalness, transparency and freedom of choice.“

Molkereigenossenschaft Berchtesgadener Land: Bernhard Pointner, Managing Director: "Freedom of choice regarding "Ohne Gentechnik" is something that our customers want just as much as we do. Since 2010, all farmers have been feeding guaranteed GMO-free and we label milk and now also all natural products such as butter, whipped cream and natural yoghurt with the VLOG certified "Ohne Gentechnik" seal. We are committed to ensuring that this remains the case."

The initiative for freedom of choice in GM foods

The food companies Alb-Gold, Alnatura, Andechser, dm and Frosta launched the initiative for the preservation of labelling and freedom of choice for GM foods on 9 January 2024 and invited other food businesses to sign the open letter. 227 businesses based in Germany have joined so far; please find below the current status as of 5 February 2024, 9:00 a.m.

40 additional businesses from other European countries are also supporting the initiative via an international version of the open Letter on the website of the European Non-GMO Industry Association (ENGA).

Open letter from the Initiative for the Preservation of Labelling and Freedom of Choice regarding GM Foods addressed to Manfred Weber MEP with additional signatories

ENGA: Food companies across Europe raise their voices against deregulation of New GMOs

Over 200 businesses demand freedom of choice for GMO in food

German food businesses launch new initiative for freedom of choice regarding genetic engineering in food