VLOG certified feed businesses

Many farmers and other businesses are interested in sourcing "VLOG geprüft" feed or are looking for a VLOG certified milling and/or blending facility in their region. To make it easier for these companies, VLOG provides a list of feed companies that are certified to VLOG Standard.

Prerequisites for entry in the list are:

a VLOG certification in the field of logistics of feed or production of feed (incl. mobile grinding and/or mixing facilities) - this must be correctly stored in the VLOG database

the existence of a current VLOG certificate in the VLOG database (upload by the certification body no later than 8 weeks after the audit)

New companies are added to the overview on a regular basis. If you do not find a company in the list that, to your knowledge, has a valid certificate, please contact us at info@ohnegentechnik.org.

VLOG does not assume any liability for this list. In order to be sure whether there is actually a current VLOG certification, the certificate of the respective company should always be requested as well.

Feed list sorted by company name

Feed list sorted by postal code

Licensees of the "VLOG geprüft" seal certified as equivalent

In addition to the list of VLOG certified feed companies, we also provide a list of companies that are certified to a standard recognised as equivalent by VLOG and use the "VLOG geprüft" seal. Please note: this is not a list of all companies certified to a standard recognised as equivalent, but only of those certified as equivalent that are in contractual relationship with VLOG through a licensing agreement.

List of licensees certified as equivalent