The VLOG Executive Board

Dr. Juliane Falzmann
I was born in May 1981, I am married and have 3 children of kindergarten and primary school age. After my studies of ecotrophology in Gießen, Germany with the final topic genetic engineering, I already intensively dealt with the food retail sector during my doctorate. Following my studies and doctorate, I worked as a lecturer at a private university before my path led me to Rewe Group. Here I started in 2007 in strategic purchasing. Since 2009, I have been responsible for various areas of quality management in the "Head of Quality Management" position. Since July 2022, as Senior Director Quality Management, I will also be responsible for the non-food area in addition to the food area.

Barbara Fiedler
I was born in Munich in 1962 and completed my studies in food technology at the Technical University of Munich-Weihenstephan in 1986. Already before and during my studies I did my internships in several dairies. After graduating as a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing.), I worked for 5 years in research and teaching at the professorial chair of mechanical and apparatus engineering. In 1991, I moved to the Plattling dairy and was able to gain my first practical experience as deputy to the operations management. I accompanied the establishment of Goldsteig Käsereien Bayerwald GmbH as assistant to the management and since 1998 I have been in charge of the quality management department of the entire company.
In the past 20 years, I was "allowed" to introduce a whole range of food standards in our company. In 2012, the decision was made by a large majority in our company to implement the "Ohne Gentechnik" standard and also to communicate clearly through the use of the seal that we stand behind the contents of this standard. Our farmers have implemented this decision with great commitment and continue to stand behind the goals of VLOG to this day. I am very pleased to be able to support practical further development through my involvement in VLOG.

Bernhard Stoll
I was born on August 02, 1964, am married and have 3 children aged 19, 16 and 14. After graduating from high school and studying agricultural sciences at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences, my professional career brought me into the feed industry after only a short time. I have been employed at Raiffeisen Kraftfutterwerk Kehl GmbH since 1992 and have been managing director there since July 1994.
In my role as managing director, I have been involved in the safe production of feed without genetic engineering since 1998 and am probably one of the pioneers in this field. The cause of food production without genetic engineering is a matter close to my heart. For this reason, I have also been involved in VLOG as an Executive Board member since 2017.

Dr. Michael Südbeck
As a veterinarian with a doctorate (born in 1962), I have been working - apart from a two-and-a-half-year "detour" into pig farming - since 1992 at Lohmann & Co. AG / PHW Group since 1992. I am responsible for quality management across all production stages in the company. From the fall of 2008 onwards, I contributed my experience in this area to the "Food without genetic engineering" working group, which dealt with issues relating to the implementation of the national regulation on "Ohne Gentechnik" labeling.
After the VLOG emerged from this working group in 2010, I also became involved here, first as a personal member and later as a representative of the PHW Group. It was the poultry industry that was the first to renounce genetically modified soy in feed. Currently, the poultry industry makes up the largest group of members in VLOG. With all the current and future challenges facing not only our industry, I am pleased to now be able to contribute my many years of experience and expertise to the work of the VLOG executive board.

Christoph Zimmer
I worked for 25 years for Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall and have been Managing Director of Ecoland-Anbauverband since 2007. Since 1998, I have focused on the effects of genetic engineering on agriculture. Since mid-2021, I have been Managing Director of Bioland-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau Baden-Württemberg.
I am a trained farmer and a businessman, and have earned a Master’s in Business Administration through part-time studies in London. I have been a member of the Executive Board since the founding of VLOG in 2010. I greatly enjoy my work for VLOG, and I am pleased that the Association has become well-established and well-positioned.