Advantages of the VLOG certification

The certification of activities or products to the VLOG "Ohne Gentechnik" production and testing standard offers many advantages to companies in the "Ohne Gentechnik" production chain:

Standardized requirements and regulations as well as fact sheets and working aids for "Ohne Gentechnik" production that make it easy for the company to introduce, implement and present process and quality assurance in the area of "Ohne Gentechnik". This ensures that

  • only ingredients, additives and processing aids are used that are not genetically modified organisms (GMO), do not contain GMO and have not been produced from or by GMO,
  • animals are not fed with genetically modified feed or feed produced from GMO and that the specified minimum feeding periods in accordance with the EC Genetic Engineering Implementation Act (EG-Gentechnik-Durchführungsgesetz) are observed,
  •  food and feed do not have to be labeled as GMO according to VO (EC) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.
  • Independent and certified proof of compliance with the requirements of the EC Genetic Engineering Implementation Act (EGGenTDurchfG) for food resp. the regulations EC No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 for feed.
  • Validation through regular verification and control by audits of accredited and independent VLOG-recognised certification bodies.
  • Feedstuffs can be labeled and advertised as "VLOG geprüft", foodstuffs (especially in the business-to-business sector) with "VLOG". Many customers specifically look for these labels.
  • Certified companies can apply for a license for the official German "Ohne GenTechnik" seal of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (for food) or the "VLOG geprüft" seal (for feed).
  • Certified goods offer advantages to customers in the "Ohne Gentechink" supply chain:
    - Reduction of sampling and analyses
    - Reduced effort for incoming goods inspections
    - Reduced effort for risk assessment of purchased goods
  • Acquire new customers and strengthening ties with existing customers in the "Ohne Gentechnik" production chain.
  • Certification of multiple sites/farms: The VLOG system offers feed companies and farmers the possibility of joining forces in a matrix or group certification to reduce the effort of certification and to easily bring many sites into "Ohne Gentechnik" production.
  • VLOG certification is free of charge on the part of VLOG. The only costs incurred by the certification body are for auditing and certificate issuance, which are agreed and settled directly between the company and the certification body.