Registration piglet rearing
In order to be able to count the "Ohne Gentechnik" compliant feeding of non-VLOG-certified piglet rearers towards the minimum feeding period of VLOG fattening pigs, registration with VLOG is required (see VLOG standard chapter E1).
On this page you will find important information about the registration and its procedure as well as the conclusion of the contract.
1. Background
The EC Genetic Engineering Implementation Act (EGGenTDurchfG for short) defines a period of four months for the production of pork before the food is obtained, within which the feeding of genetically modified feed is not permitted. This period is described in the VLOG production and certification standard as the minimum feeding period. The minimum feeding period of four months is not reached in most VLOG-certified fattening farms, so that part of this is already completed in the area of piglet rearing.
To safeguard the "Ohne Gentechnik" system, it was therefore decided in 2020, in exchange with representatives of the pork industry, to introduce a registration obligation for piglet rearing farms with VLOG, which has been valid since the VLOG Standard V20.02 came into force on 1 January 2021. The registration obligation applies to all rearing/piglet farms that sell piglets to "Ohne Gentechnik" primary producers (VLOG fattening farms) and whose "Ohne Gentechnik" compliant feeding or part thereof is to be counted towards compliance with the minimum feeding period.
2. When is registration not required?
• The minimum feeding period begins at the VLOG-certified fattening operation. (The piglets do not have to come from a registered farm).
• The rearing/piglet farm is already certified to VLOG or a standard recognised as equivalent.
• The farm has less than 250 animal places for piglets under 30 kg. In this case, a documentary check is required (cf. VLOG-Standard Chapter E 1).
• A VLOG-certified pig (fattening) farm produces piglets for its own fattening. The rearing farm and the fattening farm run under the same company name and no piglets are sold to other VLOG-certified fattening farms that wish to have the "Ohne Gentechnik" compliant feeding credited.
3. Costs
Information on the costs of registration with VLOG can be found in the following document.
VLOG fee schedule recognition and registration (effective as of 1 January 2023)
What documents does the VLOG require?
If you have decided to register your facility with VLOG, please fill out the Registration Agreement incl. Master Data Sheet as well as the Facility Description completely and send both documents signed as well readable PDF files by e-mail to info(at)ohnegentechnik(dot)org.
- Fully completed and signed Registration Agreement incl. Master Data Sheet
Registration Agreement incl. Master Data Sheet for the registration of rearing facilites - writeable (15 February 2023)
- Fully completed and signed Facility Description registered companies
Facility Description for registered companies - writeable (15 July 2024)
What do you get?
After reviewing all documents and your information you will receive:
- the countersigned Agreement
- a Registration Certificate for a limited period of time (This can be used to certify to third parties that the piglets are fed in compliance with "Ohne Gentechnik").
The Registration Certificate must be presented to the auditor during the audit at the fattening farm. In order to be able to prove that the feeding of the individual animals complies with the "Ohne Gentechnik" standard, the piglet farm must also complete Annex 2 of the VLOG Standard and hand it over to the fattening farm.
The Registration Certificate has a time-limited validity and is valid from the date of issue until the end of the following calendar year. Before the expiry of the Registration Certificate, a new Facility Description must be submitted to VLOG. The registration certificate will be extended accordingly if a review of compliance with the contract requirements by VLOG shows that the prerequisites for registration continue to exist unchanged.
For subsequent site registrations of companies already registered with VLOG with an assigned Registration ID, please use only the Master Data Sheet and send it together with the Facility Description (s. Registration procedure) for the new site to be registered completely filled out and signed by e-mail to info(at)ohnegentechnik(dot)org.
After counter signature by VLOG, a Registration sub-ID will be assigned to the subsequently registered location. Finally, you will receive an updated Registration Certificate from VLOG.
Master Data Sheet, writeable (1 December 2020)
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact qualitaet(at)ohnegentechnik(dot)org.