Apply for certification (VLOG-ID)  

The conclusion of the Standard Usage Agreement and fulfilment of the requirements of the VLOG "Ohne Gentechnik" Production and Certification Standard are prerequisites for VLOG certification. VLOG assigns a VLOG-ID to the company to be certified after conclusion of the Standard Usage Agreement. A company can be certified for one or more activities or products as required. A complete conversion of all activities and products to the VLOG Standard is not necessary as long as a traceable and consistent separation of the flow of goods is guaranteed.

As an alternative to VLOG certification, certification according to a standard recognised as equivalent by VLOG is also possible, depending on the area of activity.

On this page we provide important information on the Standard Usage Agreement and how to apply for a VLOG-ID, the certification process, the different types of certification in the VLOG system and the costs of certification.


A free contract (Standard Usage Agreement) regulating the use of the VLOG Standard must be concluded between the standard provider VLOG and the company to be certified. A VLOG-ID is assigned to the company when the contract is concluded. The contract is presented by the company during the audit or sent to the responsible certification body. Please conclude the contract in good time before the audit date in order to receive the VLOG-ID, as the processing time can take up to two weeks. The certification body can only issue a VLOG certificate once the VLOG-ID has been assigned.

You can view the text of the contract and the required data in advance in the viewing copy: Please do not use this document to conclude the contract. You can access the contract in the section "Apply for VLOG-ID".

Standard Usage Agreement inclusive Master Data Sheet – Viewing copy

Click on the "Apply for VLOG-ID" button to start the registration; you will be redirected to the registration form, where you can enter all the required data. Please only use the form for new Standard Usage Agreements if you are not already registered. On the last page of the form you have to download the automatically generated PDF document of the Standard Usage Agreement including Annex I. Please sign the agreement manually or digitally in the fields provided on pages 3 and 14.

Please send the complete and signed contract as a PDF file by e-mail to info(at)ohnegentechnik(dot)org. Registration is not complete until the contract has been countersigned by VLOG and the VLOG-ID has been assigned. We will return the countersigned contract to you digitally as confirmation.

VLOG can only process your application once the complete contract documents have been sent.


                                    è Apply for VLOG-ID


The requirements of the VLOG Standard are audited on site at the certified companies every one to three years (depending on the risk level). In order to ensure the independence of the inspections, this audit is only carried out by independent and accredited certification bodies that have successfully completed a recognition process at VLOG. The auditing of the companies includes all products, processes and documents relevant to the certified activities.

To register for a VLOG audit, please contact one of the VLOG-recognised certification bodies. The certification bodies carry out certification in accordance with the VLOG Standard. A contract is concluded between the company and the certification body regarding the performance of the neutral inspections and certification in accordance with the VLOG Standard.

For the VLOG certification, no costs are incurred vis-à-vis VLOG. Only if a company wants to use the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal or "VLOG geprüft" seal, a license fee has to be paid as part of a separate Licence Agreement.

The costs of certification incurred by the certification body through auditing and issuing of certificates are agreed and settled directly between the company and the certification body. They depend, among other things, on the audit duration, certification area, travel time and the individual service specifications of the individual certification bodies.

1. Individual certification

Individual certification is the VLOG certification of a legally independent business (company) with one or more legally dependent sites. The fulfilment of the requirements of the VLOG Standard is checked in an on-site audit at the company and the sites included in the certification by a certification body recognised by VLOG.

      1.1. Documentary check:

For very small farms, the VLOG Standard does not require an on-site audit for entering the VLOG system, provided the size of the farm does not exceed a certain maximum value (depending on the animal species) or if a recognition of an external standard exists. Please contact VLOG for exact limits concerning the size of farms for individual animal species. For more information, please refer to part E1 of the VLOG Standard.

2. Group certification

      2.1. Agriculture:

A VLOG group agriculture is the merger of different companies/sites (the so-called agricultural group members) for the purpose of a VLOG group certification agriculture. Group certification is possible for a company with at least two sites as well as for the joint certification of several companies with their sites. The establishment of a group can offer various advantages, including centralised quality management and a reduction in the organisational burden on the group members. Only the group organiser has to conclude a Standard Usage Agreement with VLOG and receives a VLOG-ID. In addition, the group organiser takes over various tasks for the members. The fulfilment of the requirements of the VLOG Standard is checked in on-site audits at the group organiser and at group members by a certification body recognised by VLOG. The VLOG certificate is issued for the group organiser. All group members to whom this certificate applies must be reported to the certification body in advance in a list of members. More information on this can be found in Part F of the VLOG Standard.

      2.2. Retail:

A VLOG retail group is a combination of branch operations (the so-called retail group members) for the purpose of VLOG group certification in retail. This group consists of a group organiser and several branches, which act as group members retail. The establishment of a group can offer various advantages, including centralised quality management and the reduction of organisational effort for the group members. Only the group organiser has to conclude a Standard Usage Agreement with VLOG and receives a VLOG-ID. In addition, the group organiser takes over various tasks for the group members. The fulfilment of the requirements of the VLOG Standard is checked in on-site audits at the group organiser and at group members by a certification body recognised by VLOG. The VLOG certificate is issued for the group organiser. All group members to whom this certificate applies must be reported to the certification body in advance in a list of members. More information on this can be found in Part H of the VLOG Standard.

3. Matrix certification

Matrix certification is the merger of several companies/sites from the feed production and/or logistics sector into a VLOG matrix. Matrix certification is possible for a company with at least two sites as well as for the joint certification of several legally independent companies with their sites. The establishment of a matrix can offer various advantages, including centralised quality management and a reduction of the organisational burden on the matrix members. Only the matrix organiser has to conclude a Standard Usage Agreement with the VLOG and receives a VLOG ID. In addition, the matrix organiser takes over various tasks for the matrix members. Compliance with the requirements of the VLOG Standard is checked in on-site audits at the matrix organiser and at matrix members by a certification body recognised by VLOG. The VLOG certificate is issued for the matrix organiser. All matrix members for whom this certificate is valid must be reported to the certification body in advance in a list of members. More information on this can be found in Part D of the VLOG Standard.