Recognition procedure of laboratories
Laboratories that want to carry out GMO analyses for companies in the field of "VLOG geprüft" feed and "Ohne Gentechnik" food production must be recognised by VLOG. Since 2019, analysis results for companies to be certified will only be accepted if they originate from a laboratory recognised by VLOG in order to ensure a uniform approach to GMO analysis as well as a standardized procedure.
Recognition as a testing laboratory step by step
To be recognised as a laboratory by VLOG, the following steps are necessary:
You submit a completed "Application for VLOG Recognition of Laboratories" by e-mail
You submit a "Recognition Agreement for Laboratories" by e-mail
You submit the documents/evidence required in the "Guideline for VLOG Recognition of Laboratories" by e-mail
When the application is complete, we sign it and return a countersigned version to you. This completes the application procedure.
The "Guideline for VLOG-Recognition of Laboratories" provides assistance with VLOG recognition.
The fee for the recognition depends on whether the laboratory carries out the GMO tests itself or subcontracts them to another laboratory recognised by VLOG.
VLOG fee schedule recognition and registration (effective as of 1 January 2023)
Sanction procedure for laboratories
The following sanction procedure is used for dealing with violations of the regulations / specifications of the Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e.V. The procedure allows a standardized and more transparent process for the sanctioning of Laboratories.
The sanction procedure is part of the certification body recognition contract and includes the following documents:
VLOG guideline for handling non-compliances
Classification of non-compliances for laboratories
Catalog of sanctions for infringements by laboratories
Sanction procedure for laboratories (01 September 2022)