Statements on "Ohne GenTechnik"
Relevant voices from economy, society and associations on the topic of "Ohne GenTechnik". Read what they have to say here.
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"Instead of continuing to rely on even more genetically modified plants and even more chemicals in our food, we should focus all our efforts in the industry, in research and also in politics on implementing the paths outlined by the international EAT-Lancet Commission for a sustainable diet for the world's population. It can be done without genetic engineering!"
Copyright Photo: Thomas Pritschet
"Regardless of the discussion about risk and opportunity, consumers should be free to decide whether genetically modified products end up in their shopping cart. Labelling of genetically modified ingredients is a prerequisite for this.
As a founding and Standard Technical Working Group member, we therefore support the Association for Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG) and use the "Ohne GenTechnik" labelling on all LandPrimus products and other items from our own brands.
We are the first food retailer to also label meat products with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal in the fresh food counter. Our traceability and the processes in our counters fulfil the criteria of the VLOG Standard."
Copyright Photo: tegut...
"We do not want to use genetically modified plants in our own brands, nor do we want to promote the use of genetic engineering. Plants are the basis of our existence. Prudence and care with them is a sign of respect. The risks of genetic engineering outweigh the benefits and, ultimately, nature is an open system and changes to it can no longer be reversed. In the wild, genetically modified plants sow, reproduce and interbreed. The natural balance is disturbed when accelerated mutations prevent the environment from adapting.
Plants should not be the subject of patents. Monocultures, which in combination with total herbicides put pressure on biodiversity, do not offer a solution to the challenge of food security. We reject methods that have not been clearly researched and could pose a potential health risk to humans and a threat to our ecosystems. This applies to food and animal feed."
Copyright Photo: tegut...
"Back in 2000, Wiesenhof was the first poultry producer in Germany to consciously and traceably use GMO-free soybean meal in poultry feed. This was almost revolutionary at the time, and Wiesenhof has remained true to this policy to this day.
Wiesenhof chickens are fed GMO-free. Customers expect GMO-free and deforestation-free soy in poultry feed, and we at Wiesenhof can fulfil these requirements."
"Natural feed, first-class milk, tasty cheese - that's our philosophy. That's why our cooperative's milk production has been VLOG-certified since 2020, and the entire Beemster cheese range bears the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.
We will continue to pursue this policy of transparency towards trading partners and consumers consistently and resolutely in the future. This reliability creates trust, safety and carefree enjoyment."
"Consumers have the right to decide for themselves whether or not they want to support the use of genetic engineering in the fields when they shop in the supermarket. We need clear GM labelling on all foods."
"Self-determination is at stake for consumers and farmers! If the German government allows the planned deregulation of European legislation, we will no longer be free to decide whether we want genetic engineering on our plates or in our fields.
If it contains genetic engineering, it must be labelled as such. We demand complete labelling and real freedom of choice along the entire food chain!"