"Ohne Gentechnik" Test Criteria

The German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e.V.) [VLOG] provides a binding control system for the production of "Ohne Gentechnik" food. This control system is defined in the VLOG "Ohne Gentechnik" Production and Certification Standard (VLOG Standard), which was developed by VLOG together with industry representatives. The VLOG standard is based on the criteria of the EC Genetic Engineering Implementation Act (EGGenTDurchfG), which must always be complied with. In addition, it contains specifications on how compliance with the criteria are ensured and verified. What this means specifically for individual product groups can be found under the following menu items.

If fish from aquaculture is to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the meat must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict feeding conversion periods: Fish from aquaculture are even fed GM-free feed from birth so that the meat can be labelled "Ohne Gentechnik".

In the case of marinated, smoked or seasoned fish products, ingredients, additives and processing aids may also be relevant. Ingredients and additives must not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or have been produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi). It also applies to ingredients that, in the case of animal components, the animals must have received GMO-free feed. This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "consisting of GMOs": A fish marinade must not contain vegetable oil produced from GM soy.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": Flavour enhancers produced by GM micro-organisms must not be used.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG check compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard on site. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of fish products from aquaculture, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or the aquaculture farm and continues, including all transports, via the slaughterhouse to the cutting factory or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If bakery products are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

In the case of bakery products, this means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product. For animal ingredients such as eggs or milk the following applies: These must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict conversion periods. Further information can be found in the respective product category.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Bread must not contain genetically modified yeasts.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": The use of glucose syrup from GM maize is prohibited.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": No enzymes obtained with the help of GMOs may be used in baking mixtures.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of bakery products with animal components, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or on the farm, continues through transport to the production site or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" label.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If eggs are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, they must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict feeding conversion periods: A laying hen has been fed GMO-free feed for at least six weeks before the eggs can be labelled "Ohne Gentechnik".

In the case of colored eggs, the colors (varnishes, dyes) that count as an ingredient are also inspected. These must not have been produced by genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG check compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard on site. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of eggs, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or the farm and continues to the packing station or stage where the eggs are packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If meat substitute products, such as tofu, are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

In this case, that means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product. For animal ingredients such as eggs the following applies: These must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict conversion periods. Further information can be found in the respective product category.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Meat substitute burgers must not contain GM peas.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": Tofu must not have been produced from GM soybeans.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": No aromas produced by genetically modified micro-organisms may be used.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of meat substitute products with animal components, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or on the farm, continues through transport to the production site or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" label.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If meat, meat products and sausages are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the meat must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict feeding conversion periods: Cattle must be fed GMO-free feed for 12 months and at least ¾ of their lives before the beef can be labelled "Ohne Gentechnik". In accordance with their shorter life and fattening period, the feeding conversion periods for pigs are four months and for poultry ten weeks. For goat and lamb meat, a feeding conversion period of six months is required.

In the case of marinated, smoked or spiced meat and sausage products, ingredients, additives and processing aids may also be relevant. Ingredients and additives must not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or have been produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi). It also applies to ingredients that, in the case of animal components, the animals must have received GMO-free feed. This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Beispiel „GVO enthaltend“: Die Mikroorganismen in Starterkulturen für die Wurstherstellung dürfen nicht gentechnisch verändert sein.Example "consisting of GMOs": The microorganisms in starter cultures for sausage production must not be genetically modified.
•    Beispiel „aus GVO bestehend“: Eine Fleischmarinade für Geflügelfleisch darf kein Pflanzenöl hergestellt aus GV-Soja enthalten.Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": A meat marinade for poultry meat must not contain vegetable oil produced from GM soy.
•    Beispiel „durch/mithilfe von GVO hergestellt“: Geschmacksverstärker, hergestellt durch GV-Mikroorganismen, dürfen nicht eingesetzt werden.Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": Flavour enhancers produced by GM micro-organisms must not be used.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG check compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard on site. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of a meat or sausage product, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or on the farm and continues, including all transports, via the slaughterhouse to the cutting plant or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If canned vegetables are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are examined. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Canned vegetables must not contain genetically modified maize
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": Canned fruit must not contain any pieces of GM papaya.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": A canned vegetable must not contain ascorbic acid produced by GMOs.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of canned vegetables the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If beverages, such as juice, wine or beer, are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": No genetically modified yeasts may be used in the beer.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": No papaya juice from genetically modified papaya may be used in a multivitamin juice.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": An apple juice must not be spiked with ascorbic acid pectin produced by GMOs.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of beverages the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If grain products are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": A grain mixture must not contain genetically modified maize grains.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": Rice flakes in muesli which have been obtained from GMO rice must not be used.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": Ascorbic acid produced by genetically modified microorganisms must not be used in flours.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of grain products the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If honey is to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, it is above all relevant that the bees have only collected nectar and pollen from non-GM plants. To determine this, there is a cultivation register of genetically modified plants in Germany. Every cultivation and every experimental release in Germany must be registered here before sowing. Beekeepers who wish to use the "Ohne GenTechnik" label must ensure in the cultivation register that no cultivation is taking place within a flight radius of 10 km of their bees. If the beehives are located outside Germany or if foreign honey is purchased, this must be assured in the same way.

If bees are fed, the feed must not be labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. For example, no soy protein may be added that has been obtained from genetically modified soy.

You can find more information in the VLOG Standard and in the EGGenTDurchfG. If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If legumes are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Frozen soybeans must not contain genetically modified soybeans.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": A soy drink must not be made from GM soybeans.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": A soya yoghurt with mixed fruit must not contain any flavourings produced by genetically modified micro-organisms.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of legumes the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If potato products are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

In the case of potato products, this means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product. For animal ingredients such as eggs or milk the following applies: These must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict conversion periods. Further information can be found in the respective product category.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Crisps must not have been produced with rapeseed oil obtained from GMO rapeseed.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": Potato starch must not be produced with enzymes obtained by genetically modified microorganisms.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of potato products with animal components, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or on the farm, continues through transport to the production site or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" label.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If dairy substitute products, such as oat milk or vegan cheese,  are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

In this case, that means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product. Further information can be found in the respective product category.
This is illustrated by the following examples:

  • Example "containing GMOs": Vegan cheese made from rapeseed oil must not contain GM rapeseed.
  • Example "consisting of GMOs": Soya milk must not have been produced from GM soya beans.
  • Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": No aromas produced by genetically modified micro-organisms may be used.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed. Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If milk and dairy producty are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, they must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict feeding conversion periods: If the feed still has to be changed, a dairy cow has to be fed GMO-free feed for at least three months before the milk can be labelled "Ohne Gentechnik".

For dairy products, ingredients, additives and processing aids may also be relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi). This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": No genetically modified microorganisms may be used in a yoghurt.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": Maize starch in fruit preparations must not have been produced from genetically modified maize.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": A rennet enzyme for cheese production must not have been obtained by genetically modified microorganisms.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG check compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard on site. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of dairy products, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or the farm, goes via the milk transport to the dairy or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If food supplements are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

In the case of food supplements, this means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product. For animal ingredients such as eggs or milk the following applies: These must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict conversion periods. Further information can be found in the respective product category.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Vegetable oils obtained from GM plants must not be used.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": The use of vitamins obtained from genetically modified organisms is prohibited.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of food supplements with animal components, the control of the separation of the flow of goods begins with the feed in the compound feed factory or on the farm, continues through transport to the production site or the stage at which the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" label.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If oilseeds, such as pumpkin seeds, are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Seed mixtures must not contain GM sunflower seeds.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": An edible oil must not have been produced from GM maize.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": The use of lipases produced with the help of genetically modified microorganisms is prohibited.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of oilseeds the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If vegetable spreads are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi). In this case, this means above all that no genetically modified plants were used to produce the product.

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": A spread must not contain GMO sunflower seeds.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": A rapeseed oil must not have been obtained from GM rapeseed.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": No flavourings produced by genetically modified micro-organisms may be used.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of vegetable spreads the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If edible oils and vinegar are to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": A vinegar must not contain genetically modified vinegar bacteria.
•    Example "consisting of GMOs": An edible oil must not have been produced from GM maize.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": The use of lipases produced with the help of genetically modified microorganisms is prohibited.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of edible oils and vinegar the control begins at the production site, through transport, to the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.

If pasta is to be labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, the ingredients, additives and processing aids are relevant. For animal ingredients such as eggs the following applies: These must not come from animals that were fed with feed that was labelled as genetically modified according to the EU regulations VO (EG) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003. This means that genetically modified plants are taboo in "Ohne Gentechnik" production, and this within strict conversion periods. Further information can be found in the respective product category.

The same applies to pasta: Ingredients and additives must neither contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) nor be produced from or by GMOs. Furthermore, processing aids must not be produced by GMOs (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi).

This is illustrated by the following examples:

•    Example "containing GMOs": Pasta must not contain maize flour produced from GM maize.
•    Example "produced by/with the aid of GMOs": The use of enzymes produced by GMOs is prohibited, such as lipases to increase quality and appearance.

Neutral certification bodies trained and recognised by VLOG carry out on-site inspections to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and the VLOG Standard. This means carrying out on-site inspections of sites/farm units, checking documents, but also analysing food and feed.

Along the entire production chain, the mixing of "Ohne Gentechnik" goods with those that do not meet the criteria of the EGGenTDurchfG must be excluded. In the case of pasta, the control starts with the separation of the flow of goods, in the case of egg noodles with the feed in the compound feed factory or the farm, continues through the transport to the production site, or the stage where the food is packaged and labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal.

If you would like to find out which products are already labelled with the "Ohne GenTechnik" seal, you can use our product database.