Survey: Almost everyone wants labelling and risk assessment for new genetic engineering
In addition, 87 percent endorse labelling food produced from animals that have been fed genetically modified food. This was the result of a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the consumer organisation Foodwatch in September 2023.
Özdemir must stop EU Commission's genetic engineering plans
"It could not be more clear. Almost all people in Germany want labelling and risk assessment for 'new' genetic engineering just as much as for the 'old' type. Now there can no longer be any doubt: German Food and Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir must stop the current plans of the EU Commission, who wants to abolish labelling and risk assessment for the majority of new genetic engineering methods such as CRISPR," says Alexander Hissting, Managing Director of the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG).
Unity across party lines: 'No' to deregulation plans
"By his own admission, Cem Özdemir wants to develop a common position on the issue of genetic engineering in which supporters of all the Traffic Light parties can find themselves. The results of the survey clearly show that Germans across all party lines are calling for compulsory labelling and risk assessment. Without fundamental 'improvements' to the EU Commission's draft, the German government's answer can only be 'no' to the deregulation plans."
A majority wants to toughen laws on genetic engineering instead of eroding them
The high level of support for compulsory labelling of food produced from animals fed on genetically modified feed is also remarkable. Such labelling does not exist yet. Thus, a clear majority would even like to see the genetic engineering laws tightened up instead of eroded. Nonetheless, VLOG‘s "Ohne GenTechnik" (Non-GMO) label already closes this "labelling gap": No genetically modified animal feed is used in products bearing this label.
RND: 92 percent of consumers endorse food labelling (German)
Foodwatch: Clear majority in favour of labelling and risk assessment of "new" genetic engineering (German)